Có một số thay đổi trong phiên bản 2.1.7 này, bao gồm:
- Ensure that some jobs do not attempt to complete or otherwise change state inside a transaction.
- Ensure correct URL is used in the bookmark label filter when friendly URLs are not enabled.
- Display correct username styling when viewing users linked to an IP.
- In alerts and the news feed, ensure the "your post" link in the reaction item is clickable.
- Ensure Gravatar rebuild job respects the options sent to it.
- Prevent users from deleting their own accounts
- Check for guest posts in post reaction items
- Ensure login button when viewing a forum as a guest wraps properly.
- Only try to hide the global action indicator if it's actually present.
- Do not redirect back to the login page after a connected account request
- Properly check for tag container inside tagger
- Do not escape outbound email test subject phrase
- Correctly handle add-ons created with incorrect casing when the namespace already exists.
- Add additional wording to make it clear that the rejection reason will be shown to users awaiting approval.
- Remove hard-coded height from payment inputs
- Add missing phrase for 'could_not_find_subscriber_id_for_this_purchase_request'
- Display PHP's memory_limit within server environment report.
- Force choice builder to use temporary variable with set tags
- Remove Google+ URL from the Google connected account template.
- Allow disabling pointer events for nested tooltips
- Remove unused parameter when fetching reaction phrase
- Update promotion history interface for clarity
- Fix post copier attachment regex